Look for changes in licensing and reporting requirements for Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) by the Arizona Department of Revenue. Changes take effect with the June tax return that taxpayers will be filing this July and affects all Arizona-based businesses. The requirements also affect businesses located outside of Arizona that sell to Arizona customers.
One of these changes coming into effect July 1, 2016 is that all businesses will be required to use location-based reporting when submitting TPT returns regardless of the physical location of the business.
All licensed businesses should have received a location code(s) identifying each of the physical locations at which the business operates. Taxpayers that file by paper will need to enter the codes using the new TPT forms (TPT-2 and TPT-EZ). If you file electronically, a location code(s) will be populated by correct jurisdiction.
The Department strongly encourages all taxpayers, if not already, to begin filing online for easier filing and faster processing. Arizona businesses with more than one physical location are now required by law to file their TPT returns electronically via www.AZTaxes.gov
Questions can be directed to the Department at 1-844-698-9176 or they can email AskTPT@azdor.gov.
If you would like to have a Department representative present to your organization about these changes, please contact Tom Johnson at RJohnson@azdor.gov.
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