Have you ever asked yourself whether you should have a company page on LinkedIn? Okay, so it hasn’t been at the forefront of your thoughts. But it should be.
It is true that personal profiles and groups provide far more functionality and visibility than company pages. But don’t give up on the much less followed, static company page.
If a potential client is researching you, they might like to know more about your company as part 101meds of obtaining the complete picture about you and your business. I do. When I am trying to get a feel for a business it’s another source of information that gives me a little more insight into the individual and into their business.
Not only that, but consider it a marketing brochure that has the ability to drive traffic to your official website. Now imagine your efforts expanding exponentially when your employees add your company to their personal profiles.
So what should you do? Make it a little easier for potential clients to learn more about your business. Create a company page on LinkedIn. It’s only a few short clicks away.
What are your thoughts on a company page on LinkedIn? Share your experiences with us in the comments.